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Final Project

I performed a series of interviews with female friends, as well as a self-interview. This sample was realized into the full final project you see here. In consideration of their privacy, I will not reveal the names of the interviewees and will instead provide bits of information on who they are, three words they used to describe themselves, and their favorite quote or saying. 


These interviews were truly rewarding experiences for me. I find that these sorts of deep level conversations don't happen very often. Everyone needs those few close friends or family members you go to when for help or advice, but these conversations are still hard to have. I am so grateful for each of my friends who trusted me to tell their stories and who allowed me to share them on this platform. As much as they helped me, I hope I was also able to help them as well by providing them an opportunity to speak their truths. Sometimes that's all a person needs. A huge thank you to those who helped me with this. You are brave and wonderful and I love you all so much.



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