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Experiment Three

The book will be more of an pre-teen children’s book. It will be about a little-girl who is a “tomboy.” She loves sports and dresses in what would be considered boy’s clothing. She would be described as extremely sassy and fiery. A spitfire if you will. She loves to be the leader and first in everything. Even first in line at recess. She gets bullied at her school for being different and not like the other girls. Kids make fun of her clothes. They make fun of her for playing sports. They call her bossy. All of this causes her to feel very uncomfortable with who she is. She is smart and receptive and cannot just brush off what the other kids say. She tries to change who she is. She starts dressing in different, more girly clothes. She stops playing sports and playing with the boys. This makes her even more sad. She is confused and doesn’t know how to act anymore. Her parents try to tell her to be herself and not care what other people think, but she cannot.

            The book will be aimed more towards kids around 10-years-old. I want to include dialogue and I think this particular dialogue would best be fit for kids around this age.

            The dialogue is what I will do the sample of. I don’t know how I would lead the story into the dialogue, so it won’t be a part of the sample.

            The dialogue will be between the girl and her mother after one particularly hard day at school. The girl’s mom will be trying to help her through this hard time.

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